Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Wednesday in London

Today was probably my slowest, most "normal" London day. I'm starting to make a London routine: workout, do two fun things, then cook dinner for when Daniel gets home. 

My "fun things" for today were getting lunch with my high school friend Sadia and going to thrift stores. 

The thrift stores that I went to were in east London. I had to take the overhead train...look at all of the ways I could have taken the wrong route! Thankfully, I didn't get lost. 

The area I was in was very ecclectic- Africans wearing colorful, flowy dresses discussing the start of Ramadan...hipsters shopping for vinyls with very artsy fashion choices...and everything in between! 

Here are my purchases...the vase is fine bone china made in England...only £4! The tiny vases were only 50 pence for the lot. I'm excited to buy things with a vintage feel for our new place...I just feel like that's how an old London flat should be decorated! 

And, because I know some of y'all are wondering how Daniel is doing, I'm going to scribe for him his bulleted updates (verbatim):
* work is busy but good, long hours and short lunches
* I won't get swoll in London because hr is taking forever getting me my gym pass
* lovin the unusually nice London weather
*my favorite thing to do Is spend time with my lovely wife
* I'm going to build a desk for our new place 
* I'm also buying a big tv for my cave 
* only been to one pub
* I'm excited that our new flat is off the jubilee line so it won't be a long commute

Side note: we aren't 100% sure yet we got our first choice flat because nothing has been signed, but the owner seems to have accepted our offer and now we are negotiating some terms, like what else we need added to it. 

Thanks for reading! 


  1. Thrift stores in London, wow!! Do you think there was a horcrux in there???

    1. Hahahahaha. On Tuesday we looked at a flat on Hogarths street...I got really excited because I fought it said Hogwarts street :-( Daniel Radcliffe is actually in a play here for the next month, I'm hoping to get tickets.

  2. Do they have dollar stores? Japan had the best stuff at their dollars stores. Much better than US.

    1. I've heard that they have something similar, but it is really £1.5...which is like $2.25 per thing. I've also heard its all "rubbish". We are going to end up buying a lot off amazon prime since its hard lugging around purchases.

  3. Well in Japan they weren't called dollar store, they were called 100 yen shops... And yes, I ordered online a lot while in Japan for the same reason.



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